How do I set the app publishing start date?

If you don’t want your app to be published immediately after approval, specify the time and date when you want it to be made available in the Amazon Appstore.

During Step 4: Review and Submit of the app submission process, you will see the question “When would you like publishing to start?”

Leaving this field blank (the default) enables Amazon to make your app available as soon as it passes Amazon’s testing.

If you submit your app with a later publishing date, it will go into review shortly after you submit it. Once your app passes the review process, it will go into Approved status until the date you selected.

During this time, you will not be able to edit your app. You can change the date you want the app to be published by going back to Step 4: Review and Submit, but no other information. If you want to make any other changes, you will need to cancel the app submission.

Your app will be available in the Appstore a few hours after the time you select. The time you select is when the publishing process starts. The publishing process can take a few hours before your app is live and available to customers.
