Echo show 15 - App without virtual remote

Im trying to test an application using LAT, and I noticed that on echo show 15 when I start the app it mentions that I have limited touch functionality showing me a virtual remote control.
What do I need to change on my app to remove this virtual remote control and use the touch normally

Hi there,

Thank you for posting! If you are testing an app that you previously built for Fire TV, then you need to ensure that you added touch support. Please look through the article below, and ensure your app supports touch capabilities, and hopefully that should get rid of the warning:

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The goal is not to support a remote but to be able to use the touch screen normally… The application is home assistant (open source project), Im making a few tests to be able to support it

In terms of Echo Show 15, think of it as a TV, not a tablet. For it specifically, your app needs to support both (remote + touch), because some of your users might want to use the remote too, or only the remote. The article I linked above should help you to achieve that goal. Thanks!

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Doesn’t seem to work that well. The application is mostly a WebView.
Not related with this but my silk browser just disappeared, if I try to open it with Alexa it says opening but nothing happens. If I install silk from the store I get a version with the same issues, need the remote to work and its not usable at all.

Hi Marlon,

If you’re having trouble with your device or an Amazon app, I recommend reaching out to Amazon Customer Service, they should be able to figure out what’s going on.

You might also try asking at the Amazon Digital and Device Forum.



Ok, finally got the issue with the device sorted… for an app that its basically a web view how do you set this… not really sure how should address the nexFocus when the app is just a web view

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