We now offer a performance test for Fire OS apps to measure First Frame (Time to Initial Display), which basically means it will test how fast your app will get started.
Set up
To get started you’ll need to:
- Install Java 8 or above
- Install Java Development Kit 17 or higher
- Install Android Studio (with Android SDK (API Level 34))
- Install Maven
- Hint: The instructions on Maven’s website can be a bit confounding, so:
- If you’re on a Mac, use Homebrew to install it by running
brew install maven
in the terminal - If you’re on Windows, check out this blog post
- If you’re on a Mac, use Homebrew to install it by running
- Hint: The instructions on Maven’s website can be a bit confounding, so:
- Set up ADB
- Hint: If you’re on a Mac, this blog can help with the
command not found: adb
- Hint: If you’re on a Mac, this blog can help with the
Once you’ve done that, you can install the performance tester with these steps:
- Clone the performance tester repository by running this command in the terminal:
git clone https://github.com/amazonappdev/fireos-perf-testing.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd fireos-perf-testing
- Build the project and create the JAR:
mvn clean install
Run the test
You can then run the test with the following steps:
- Locate the ZIP file FOSTTIDPerfTesting-distribution.zip file in the ‘jar’ folder
- Unzip it
- Navigate to FOSTTIDPerfTesting-distribution > Input > APK folder
- Copy the APK file you want to test into the APK folder
- Rename the APK file Input.apk
- In the terminal, navigate to the new FOSTTIDPerfTesting-distribution folder
cd FOSTTIDPerfTesting-distribution
- Decide which kind of test you want to do:
(which does both cool and warm tests)
- Plug your device in to your computer (if you haven’t already) and select “Allow USB Debugging” (if you haven’t already)
Be sure that ADB has been set up correctly
- Get your device serial number (if you don’t already have it on hand) by running
adb devices
- Run the test with this command:
java -jar PerformanceKpi-jar.jar <Test Type> <Device Serial Number)>
If you decide to go with the full latency command, it should look something like this:
java -jar PerformanceKpi-jar.jar latency GCC2DM000000000S
- The full latency test can take about an hour to run, so be patient!
- You’ll find the test results in a folder called test-output in the FOSTTIDPerfTesting-distribution folder.
That’s all there is to it! For more details, check out the github repo for the FireOS Performance Test.
If you have any questions or feedback, let us know.