Unable to do testing with AppTester

I’ve downloaded the SDK, and even ran the sample app to test a consumable. I have my amazon.sdktester.json installed and being parsed.
I’ve enabled the sandbox mode

adb shell getprop debug.amazon.sandboxmode                                

But no matter what i do, when i see the logcat i get the following error when trying to test purchase.

2024-03-12 15:15:42.529   964-1527  ActivityManager         system_server                        W  Unable to start service Intent { act=com.amazon.testclient.iap.purchase flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.amazon.sdktestclient/.command.CommandBroker (has extras) } U=0: not found

I’ve uninstalled and installed the appTester several times. and tried to follow the instructions in the docs.
One step that i cant seem to get on AppTester is the portion. Referenced here

I dont have a appstore-sdk-api’s option

Im testing all this on an Fire max 11

Thanks for any help

Hi Tachu,

Thanks for posting. Can you please confirm if you installed the latest App Tester app to your device?

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