Appstore sdk 无法接受到充值回调

使用App tester测试Iap 购买消费品不正常.

已导入IAP商品json文件, App tester能正常显示出商品列表
获取用户数据, 获取产品数据, 购买更新请求 均正常接收到回调

购买请求, 修改App tester Purchase选项为FAILED、ALREADY_PURCHASED、INVALID_SKU 均能正常接收到回调,
修改选项为SUCCESSFUL , 无法接收到回调
PurchasingService.purchase接口 传递的sku参数正常为json文件里的商品sku值



Thanks for posting. We have messaged the appropriate team for further investigation and will let you know once we receive an update.

Thank you for your patience regarding this issue. We tested your IAP and were able to receive the callback when the purchase option was set to SUCCESSFUL. If you are still experiencing the issue, please create a contact-us case with the following information. Please also refer to this post in the case:

  1. Clear description of issue with steps to reproduce the issue
  2. Customer ID (Can be found here )
  3. Time of incident with timezone
  4. Device logs ( if applicable )
  5. Screen-shot / video of issue.