Linking to install app from app store

Greetings, I am interested in placing a link to one of my new apps.

I have tried the following links



Is there a way to make a link what will lead from one Fire TV app to the Fire TV app store to install a second app.

Hi Carlos,

Thanks for your question, welcome to the community space.

amzn://apps/android? should work, if you are using the correct app package name.

If you want use the ASIN, it should be amzn://apps/android?asin=A0AAAA1AA41, just replace A0AAAA1AA41 with the correct ASIN.

Make sure you are using the right type of link for the right type of app ID.

If itโ€™s still not working for you, let us know some more details about the problem and what happens when you implement the link.
