XCode 15.3 CodeSign Failed - xcframework issue?

I am try to get the LwA to compile for iOS but running into an issue with including the framework, as its not completing codesign successfully.

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CodeSign /Volumes/External/XCodeStuff/iosApp-aglkjnlrbyadpjatxuprysrbwpjp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Market\ Meadow.app/Frameworks/LoginWithAmazon.framework/Versions/A (in target ‘iosApp’ from project ‘iosApp’)
cd /Users/josephmontanez/Documents/GitHub/market_meadow_compose/iosApp

Signing Identity:     "Apple Development: Joseph Montanez (<redacted>)"
Provisioning Profile: "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *"

/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign <redacted> --timestamp\=none --preserve-metadata\=identifier,entitlements,flags --generate-entitlement-der /Volumes/External/XCodeStuff/iosApp-aglkjnlrbyadpjatxuprysrbwpjp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Market\ Meadow.app/Frameworks/LoginWithAmazon.framework/Versions/A

note: Injecting stub binary into codeless framework (in target ‘iosApp’ from project ‘iosApp’)
/Volumes/External/XCodeStuff/iosApp-aglkjnlrbyadpjatxuprysrbwpjp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Market Meadow.app/Frameworks/LoginWithAmazon.framework/Versions/A: bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable
Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code

Injecting stub binary into codeless framework

Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code


Thank you for posting your comment in the forum.

In regards to implementing LWA (Login With Amazon), please reach out to the appropriate team through below.


Anything new here? Still failing in Xcode 15.4.

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