DRM - App Tester - GameMaker:Studio

Hello @Levon

-Gradle config still same as I published previously.

-I’m not testing IAPs yet.

-I’m not getting callbacks on the DRM callback onLicenseCommandResponse calling LicensingService.verifyLicense(activity, this); function when I use the debug APK, if I use release APK I’m getting callback but I can’t test with AppTester with the release APK it’s documented.

-I have direct contact with GameMaker team and this looks more be an issue in the amazon-appstore-sdk than in GameMaker.

-I already removed all proguard related code to confirm that isn’t the issue and can’t be the issue due callback works release mode, and on debug mode if db shell setprop debug.amazon.sandboxmode noone but I don’t get callback if db shell setprop debug.amazon.sandboxmode debug. this make me think that the issue it’s on the amazon-appstore-sdk side.

I can send you a minimized project to build the APKs and test the issue, or just send the APKs if help to move forward.
