Get Playlist Tracks

According to your response, an example of the endpoint to get Playlist Tracks is here:

You are only returning the “id”, “title”, and “url,” which is not enough for us. So we have to require more details per track ID, etc.
However, according to recent tests we did, you are now returning the whole track object with the ISRC, artist values, and more.

Can you confirm it’s now the expected behavior? To have the full track detail in this response while retrieving the playlist tracklist? That would be a very time/request saver to us.

Thank you!

Hi Thomas,

the documentation is not quite up to date - thanks for pointing that out to us.

The track detail you are currently getting from that endpoint are as follows:

    "id": "B008IMVKJC",
    "title": "Song 2 (2012 Remaster)",
    "shortTitle": "Song 2 (2012 Remaster)",
    "globalAsin": "B008IMVKJC",
    "album": {
        "id": "B008IMVIYO",
        "title": "Blur (Special Edition)",
        "duration": 7417,
        "url": ""
    "artists": [
            "id": "B000SA1AVU",
            "name": "Blur",
            "url": "",
    "duration": 121,
    "images": [
            "height": 1425,
            "width": 1425,
            "url": "",
            "imageType": "PRIMARY"
            "height": 500,
            "width": 500,
            "url": "",
            "imageType": "PRIMARY"
    "isrc": "GBAYE1200348",
    "parentalSettings": {
        "isKidFriendly": false,
        "hasExplicitLanguage": false
    "url": "",
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