How to find my app on Amazon Appstore?

Why can’t I find my app at
I’m searching under Amazon Apstore → All Apps and Games → Productivity (that’s where I put my app). I enter the exact name in the search bar - I get 6 results, none of which are mine (based on the exact name) and then a bunch of stuff from the Showing results from All Departments section.
I got an email: Your recent submission was successfully published and is now LIVE on Amazon Appstore.

Hi Andy,

There could be a few different reasons why your app isn’t appearing in the Amazon Appstore. Check out this Knowledge Base article:

If after going through that list you still can’t figure out why, use the Contact Us form so our support associates can help you look into it.



Hi Moses, thanks for assistance.

It was an update (a new version). Does this also count as the above option?
Meanwhile I can find it in Amazon Appstore App by the search.

Hi Andy,

No, this shouldn’t happen during an update to an app that is already live.

If you’re still not finding your app in the category you submitted it to, please do use the Contact Us form and include the name and app ID, so our team can investigate.


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