If you would like to remove a specific IAP item from your app, please remove the IAP calls and submit your app update to the Amazon Appstore. You can either disable all in-app purchasing or continue to use other IAP items in your app.
For example, if you are discontinuing a consumable item, you would remove all references to it in your code as well as metadata prior to update submission. The removal of this specific IAP item does not prevent your app from having other consumables or entitlements.
Please note that we are unable to delete IAP items from your developer account dashboard.
How do I remove in-app purchasing and digital goods from my app?
For Java apps
<receiver android:name = "com.amazon.device.iap.ResponseReceiver">
<action android:name = "com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.NOTIFY"
android:permission = "com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.Permission.NOTIFY" />
Remove the In-App Purchasing JAR from your project build path and all references to IAP items in your UI code (for example, “Buy More” buttons and IAP purchasing menus). This edit will prevent your app users from attempting to buy non-existent IAP items in your app. It’s critical to remove all user-facing access to IAP items to prevent your app update submission being failed for functionality issues.
When submitting your app update, please make sure that all references to IAP items are removed under the “Description” tab for all supported languages in order to not fail review during the app update submissions due to misleading metadata.
Subscription IAP
If you want to discontinue the sale and renewal of a subscription IAP item, in addition to removing the IAP calls, you can use the Contact Us form to request your item be suppressed. Once the item is suppressed, all active subscriptions will no longer be able to be renewed.