Can I find my posts on the old forum?

An issue that I posted on the old forum is still ongoing. Will the posts on the old forum be transferred here or we have lost them permanently?

Hi @Hong,

Welcome to our new community space!

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to transfer the old posts to the new space.

What was you old question, so we can look into it for you?


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Thank you for your prompt response, @Moses
We submitted an update for rollout and quickly found a bug and wanted to cancel the rollout 3 weeks ago, but the cancel option has not been available, so the app has been stuck at the rollout for 3 weeks. I filed a support ticket 2 weeks ago and got a reply from the team saying they are still investigating this. The Amazon Appstore version is two versions behind the Google Play version now.

Hi Hong,

We are actively working on this issue and trying to get your app submission canceled.

Thanks for your patience, as soon as there’s an update, your support associate will let you know via email.



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Great! Thanks a lot.

One reason I wanted to post here is that I have been wondering if any other developers experience the same issue. We did not do anything special and were updating the app in the same way that we had been doing for a long time.

This app has been stuck at rollout for over a month now. Very frustrating.

Hi Hong,

Thanks for your patience and sorry for the delay.

One of our hard-working engineers has managed to find the issue and fix it. You should now be able halt the staged rollout.

Let us know if you have any other trouble.



Thank you, Moses.
What a relief. We will roll out the well-overdue update soon.
I would love to know the cause of this issue so that we can prevent this from happening again.

Hi Hong,

The issue was a one-off, and not due to anything you did during submission. It should not reoccur.



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Thank you for the clarification, Moses.
It is great to hear that. Can’t wait to roll out an update.

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Hi, Moses,

The issue has come back - no way to halt a rollout.

The staged rollout is at 5% now. However, when I open the staged rollout window, it shows 1%.

Hi Hong

Because this issue is just happening to your specific app, you will need to use the Contact Us form, so our Developer Advocates can investigate it and work on a solution for you.



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Thank you, Moses. I submitted a case per your suggestion. I really hope it will not take a month again to resolve this since there was a solution.

Just wanted to add a note to this. I tried to get out of this staged rollout problem by submitting the app instead of canceling the rollout, the submission was approved quickly as usual, but it has been stuck at the approved-but-not-published stage for 5 days. Normally, the app goes live within a few hours after approval.


The app was published finally 2 weeks after its approval. Hope this is not normal.

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