Hi I’m working as FAST channel integration developer,
Currently I’m trying to Decrypting traffic using Charles Proxy for fireTVstick 4k,
OS version 6.7
in Dev mode, I did the following article(Network Proxy (Developer Tools on Fire TV) step by step.
I could run the commands without any problem, but after running the command:
adb shell am start -a "android.intent.action.VIEW" -d "file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/charles-ssl-proxying-certificate.pem" -t "application/x-x509-ca-cert"
The step 4 is correctly done ( Provide a friendly name and ensure that VPN and apps is selected under Credential use .)
But at the step 5 ( 1. Press OK to install the certificate. You will be asked to authenticate with your Amazon credentials and an onscreen notification will confirm success.) this is where the issue is happening. At this Step, there is a modal for verifying the credentials, but after accepting the modal, there is another message showing below saying “the certificate is not installed”, I’ve already done it many times and even reset the device from factory. I do not understand what is happening.
This issue is a big roadblock on developing quality FAST channels for the Firetv fire stick, if somebody could provide a little clarity on this I’d be very thankful.
Thank you whoever read this