I try to create a developer account on Amazon Developer Registration but I can’t, I have this message.
Could you help me ?
I try to create a developer account on Amazon Developer Registration but I can’t, I have this message.
Could you help me ?
Hi @MorganBouve ,
Could you please try using a different browser and let us know if the issue persists? If it does, kindly provide us with a timestamp (including the time zone) of your most recent attempt.
Hello @Emma,
Thank you for your answer.
I try on Arc and Chrome and same issue.
The last try was
Date : 16 janvier 2025
Hour : 10:23 (UTC+1)
Thanks for your help
Hi @MorganBouve ,
We have messaged the appropriate team for further investigation and will let you know once we receive an update.
Hello @Emma, do you have news about my problem.
Hi @MorganBouve ,
Our engineer has confirmed that the issue cannot be reproduced on our side. Could you let us know if you are still experiencing the problem?
Hello @Emma, I have the same problem with my developer account. Could you please help me to?
Hello @Emma , I still have the problem on my side after trying on other computers, other browsers. Is this an Amazon account problem?
Hello @Emma , I try with an other email address and I have the same issue.
All this email address was .gmail.com
Do you have any information on this issue ?
Hi @MorganBouve ,
Can you let me know the business name you were trying to register? The log indicates that the business name you entered may be blank.
I don’t have a business, I’m a self-employed developer for myself at the moment.
Can you please create a Contact Us case and send us a screenshot showing how you entered your registration information?