The "title" string in the sales report means the "Display title" or the "App title"?

When I downloaded the report, it shows either the two titles, not a fixed kind, hard to define and analyse the data. And if this is a bug, I hope it will be shown the “App title”, because the “Display title” needs changing.

Hi liuxia,

Thanks for posting. The ‘Title’ column is Sales reports from Download Center displays the app name that you entered in the developer console: ‘Step 1: Upload your app file’ > ‘App details’ > ‘App title’ section.

The ‘Display title’ you entered under ‘Step 3: Appstore details’ > ‘Description’ > ‘Display title’ won’t be shown in the report.

If you are still seeing the issue, please provide more screenshots and steps to reproduce the issue, thanks!

but here shows either two titles, please check if it is a mistake,

[Step 1: Upload your app file’ > ‘App details’ > ‘App title’ ] Here I wrote :Magic Paper Dolls

[Step 3: Appstore details’ > ‘Description’ > ‘Display title’] Here I wrote :Magic Paper Dolls: DIY Games

Both of them appeared in the report.

Resend this to make sure you receive the email, cause there is an auto email says I can not sen email with links in it.

AND ALSO, my reply under the post was flagged and hidden. Please have a check.

Hi liuxia,

We have escalated your issue to our report team. They are currently investigating the matter. We will let you know once we receive any updates.

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okay thanks very much, I will wait for the reply :grinning:


Thank you for your patience regarding this issue, and we apologize for the delay. We noticed that the app name was ‘Magic Paper Dolls: DIY Games’ for four days, from May 20, 2024, to May 23, 2024. This could be the reason why the same app displayed different titles in May Sales Report.