Unable to select more mobile devices

The main problem I often face is in the selection of mobile devices which is defaulted to only one and I want to select more but your system won’t let me.

What can one do to be able to choose more mobile phone devices?
If one stays, the default one, can’t everyone else who has other devices download it???

Hi Evan,

Are you referring to selecting non-Amazon devices during the submission process? If you aren’t able to select any other devices, it may be because there are incompatibilities in your manifest. Check out the screenshot for an example:

Like in the screenshot, you can click the ? to see what the incompatibility is.

If this isn’t what you’re referring to, please provide more details and a sceenshot of what you’re seeing.

Alternatively, you can use the Contact Us form and give your app name and app ID, so our Dev Advocates can check your account for the issue.



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