Unable to use Contact Us form after account was disabled

Today I got an email from Amazon saying that my developer account is disabled. From the reason that was provided I’m sure I can resolve the misunderstanding by providing more information/context.

However the “Contact Us” form keeps redirecting me to https://developer.amazon.com/500. Is this an error in form handling backend? What other options do I have to contact support?

Hi Artur,

You can still file a contact us case even the account is disabled.

Please, I have the same problem. Have you solved this problem or not, sir?

That’s not true - the form does not work as I described above

No, still the same issue

Its same I don’t know what should do about this situation Please Any help

The same situation here :neutral_face:

Even me my account was disabled I can not use contact us button

Hi all,

We have messaged the appropriate team for further investigation into this issue. We will reply to this post as soon as we have more information on it.

Hi All,

Please try again and let us know if the issue persists. Thanks!